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Cleveland Mdl. KGL40 Kettle SC #11591
Natural Gas Fired Steam Kettle, 2/3 jacketed, bottom drain outlet, MAWP 50 PSI @ 298º F MDMT 33º F @ 50 PSI, National Board #108467
F.O.B. Sandwich, IL/Freight Collect
Cleveland Mdl. SEL-40-T1 Skillet SC #11638
Stainless Steel Electric Tilt out Skillet, 40 gallon/150 liter capacity, 208 volts, single or 3 phase, less power cord
F.O.B. Sandwich, IL/Freight Collect
Cleveland Mdl. SET-15 Tilt Out Kettle SC #11657
Tilt Out Kettle
F.O.B. Sandwich, IL/Freight Collect